报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 100 件
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2016-03-04 13:31
浏览次数: 91
手机号: 18622238076
电话: 022-27312816


DIN标准化部件齿轮箱和减速电机轴,花键轴和螺母把手,手轮,把手,操作元素锥齿轮,蜗轮,蜗杆V带,滑轮,配件链轮,链条,配件钳项圈,固定环(调整环)联轴器,摩擦离合器,安全联轴器标准件和杂项的直线,直线轴承,精密导轨金属橡胶缓冲器,阻尼器的保养和维修喷剂,Loctits产品气动元件座轴承,轴套,钻头锥套夹紧套,夹紧轴套,雅固拉 - 万向节正齿轮,齿条,内齿轮,棘轮轮同步带,皮带轮,锥套伸缩幻灯片配件.

company building in K?penicker Street was completely destroyed. When therebuilding began, nobody new about the separation of Berlin that would latertake place. Bad luck, that a site in East Berlin was chosen to dare a newstart. The trade company was thus later managed as a trust and in 1972 thecompany was officially converted into public property. The branch in WestBerlin, which had been started at the same time, took a different development.After the war it became the new basis for company development. But: the strongcompetition of the free-market economy made the company change its approach.The main goal was now to find new, promising market niches. And really, onesector that was perfectly suited could be found: gear elements, gear units,geared motors, machine building elements, standard parts and threaded spindleswith accessories offered good future perspectives. And the further developmentshowed how correct this estimation had been. 1959 the branch in Stuttgart wasfounded, followed by Dusseldorf in 1963. An even bigger step followed in 1968:Due to supply shortages and the high demands we have always had on quality westarted to be interested in building up our own production and in 1968 we gotthe chance to join up with a company. This cooperation went so well, that in1984 our first own production site, the toothing and gearing technology companyM?dler GmbH, was founded. At the same time a number of other things happened:1970: the company headquarters are moved from Berlin to Stuttgart. 1975: thesubsidiary in Hamburg is founded. 1977: the business premises in Berlin arebeing closed. 1978: the Transnord GmbH in Hamburg is founded, withparticipation of the M?dler GmbH. 1978: M?dler also starts trading in theneighbouring countries. The company M?dler Norm-Antrieb AG in Feuerthalen/Switzerland starts making business. 1988 the headquarters in Stuttgart moveinto their new, own premises. 1990 the subsidiary in Dusseldorf moves - for thesame reason. 2004 the area in Stuttgart is extended by about 3000 sqm欢迎扫描本公司公众账号二维码关注获取更多资讯:


我公司总部设在德国不莱梅市,凡是欧洲(德国为主)生产的工业产品我公司 都能以最低价格购买到并送到您手上。


ACS       Motion Controller SPIIPLUS CM-3-C-E-M0-H4

AFAG     气缸       GMQ20/P  11010483    (SAP100028685)

AFAG     密封件    GM20

AFAG     密封件    LM20

AMF       旋转夹紧气缸       6829BL-63   91462

AMF       旋转夹紧气缸       6829BR-63   91561

AMF       旋转夹紧气缸       6829BL-63 91462

AMF       旋转夹紧气缸       6829BR-63 91561

ANDERSON GREENWOOD       安全阀    951100MA

ANTON PAAR      密度计    DMA-4100M  进样器Xsample352 打印机

ANTUNES CONTROLS       空气压力开关       JD-2

APOLLO 补液泵   KSEYB-25/1-004/GA/D

ARGO    电磁换向阀   SD1E-A2/H2S5

ARGO-HYTOS      NONE    RPE3-062X11/02400E1S1

ARON    电磁换向阀    ADC3E01CM 

ASCO     电磁阀带线圈       SCG551A002MS 24VDC

ASCO     电磁阀    SCG551A001MS 24DC

ASCO     电磁阀    SCG531C001MS 24DC

ASCO     电磁阀    8316G066 220VAC

ASCO     电磁阀    HV431844-001 24VDC

BACO     按钮       BAL22AA81C

BACO     按钮       BAL22AA82B

BALDWIN     滤芯       BT287

BALDWIN     电磁阀    电磁阀

BALDWIN     二位五通阀    B4D5PN009V5 

BALDWIN     电磁阀    SK7303-A1ND

BALDWIN     二位五通阀    B4D5PN009V5 

BANSBACH  缓冲器    J2J2-40-010-104-004(300N)

BARKSDALE       压力开关       CP28-040 替代型号:BPS31GVM0400B

BARKSDALE       压力开关       0417-0208241-PL1-B

BARKSDALE       温度控制器   UAS3V3 CU68-024

BAUDAT       铜线剪刀       BAUDAT K 32

BAUMER      编码器    BHK 16.24K1024-E6-9

BAUMER      编码器    GXMMS.E04

BAUMER      编码器    POG 9 DN 1024 I (SN2319592)

BD SENSORS       压力传感器    DMP 331i-111-2001-1-1-100-100-1-111

BEI        钢卷车编码器       MHM510-PROF-005

BEI        编码器    CD060-1500-152.4-L005 +MHM5-DPC1B-1213-C100-H3P

BEI        编码器    DHO514-1024-001 

BEI        编码器    CD060-1500-152.4-L005 +MHM5-DPC1B-1213-C100-H3P

BEKA     数显表    BA488CF-P

BETE     消防喷嘴       1/2N1-4 (K13.7)黄铜

BETE     截止阀    D-66810-A XA-E00-7

BIKON   胀紧套    1006 190*250 材质:ST

BIKON   胀紧套    4000 80*120mm

BIKON   胀紧套    2006-260-330

BIKON   胀紧套    2006-220-290

  • 地址:天津市南京路235号河川大厦A22b
  • 电话:022-27312816
  • 邮件:sales@celiss.com
  • 手机:18622238076
  • 传真:022-27312806
  • 联系人:高宇鹏